Thursday, March 29, 2007

How dumb can my student get?

I work on a campus of over 40,000 people. I suppose one of my students was counting on me NOT running into him hanging out with his friends today. I received an email from him yesterday saying that his brother got in a bad car accident and he was currently in the airport waiting to fly out to go help him. . . therefore he couldn't take the quiz, and could he make it up after break.

BUSTED!!! Oh, he makes me so mad, but I"m laughing hysterically because I just sent him an email saying #1 - I presume he wasn't actually at the airport going home since he said hi to me on the street today. #2 - He will receive a zero on his quiz. #3 - he is over his absence limit and I will lower his grade like the syllabus says. #4 - I will not tolerate deception and this kind of behavior in my class, so I suggest he gets his ass in gear (ok, I didn't use the word ass, but you know what I mean). DUMBASS kids!!!! Wow - so busted!!!!

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