Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wow - that's special!

Growing up I never had any "normal" problems like a broken bone or sprained ankle (knock on wood). Instead I got weird aliments that doctors never really could figure out. For example, "hmm . . . I don't know why you have scoliosis. That's why it is called IDIOPATHIC. Hmm - I don't know why that lump grew on your thyroid and is now slightly smaller than a golf ball. . . that's odd, I don't know why your heart is skipping beats" . . and it keeps going.

So last week I noticed that I had a large chip on my very back left bottom tooth that was causing pain. I have absolutely NO recollection of doing anything to my tooth. I went to the dentist this morning, only to hear, "Wow, I've never seen anything like it. I have no idea what happened to you." Naturally!! My father asked me, "honey, why do you have to be so special?"

Anyway, after a quick shot of novocaine (sp?) and a filling, it was over. Honestly, fillings are no big deal. I don't know why people get so scared about them. Perhaps I've already been through a lot medically and obviously have a lot ahead of me too. The dentist finshed and I turned to him and said, "that's it?" Wow - that was a piece of cake. I was more pissed off that they didn't want me going directly to the gym because I'm still VERY numb, so I went shopping instead. :) I needed new socks.

That's enough of weird things happening to my body. I hope I'm done now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a baby. I'd have asked for novocaine and nitrous!