Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Everytime I get a day where I just plain hurt I realize again why I'm considering this surgery. Ok - here is a list of my activities today: I taught for an hour (on my feet mostly), I worked in the library for 2 hours, I came home, and I made dinner. Well after making dinner, my lower back is getting the kind of pain where it is making it difficult to take a deep breath in - it makes the pain worse. Then I decided I needed to clean up a bit even though I was hurting and finally told my husband, "That's it. I have to sit down." However, sitting down is not really diminishing the pain. I can feel it radiating in my lower and middle back, so I tried stretching a bit. Nope - there's still pain. Ugh.

Honestly, I didn't do anything crazy today. Shouldn't I be able to teach, study, and make some food without feeling this? I'm slightly frustrated today.

Here's my other observation today: There was a guy on the bus this morning with a very large leg brace on. However, no one would give up their seat for him. He was standing on one leg! I think that is terribly rude! I can't take the bus post-op because no one will move for me, especially when they can't see my scar. People need to be more aware of other's needs.

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