Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oh dear, I'm sick

Ok, so I got a nasty cold over the weekend, one of those colds where you have some flu symptoms, but you don't have the flu. Then I pushed myself through Monday and Tuesday because those are my rough days at school, but today is the first time I actually cancelled teaching my class and am staying home. I'm sure my undergrad students are thrilled :) I hope that I don't push myself so hard after surgery. I'm guessing that I'll have more common sense then and won't be involved in so many commitments anyway.

I also felt somewhat pathetic as I lay on the bathroom floor feeling nauseous this morning. I kept thinking, come on Anya, if you think this is bad how are you going to handle surgery? However, sickness is sickness and I can't pretend I feel better than I do. Well time to catch up on watching some morning talk shows before trying to get some work done. . . or going back to bed . . .


Anonymous said...

Poor thing...take care of yourself and feel better soon.

Used to be Crooked Karen said...

Look after've got to stay good and healthy for your surgery!