Friday, October 20, 2006

My Crazy Idea

I'm an academic. Conferences are therefore part of my life . . . so I had this crazy idea . . .

Why isn't there a national (perhaps international) conference for scoliosis patients and researchers?? These are my ideas:

It would be a place for scoliosis patients pre- and post-op to talk about their experiences with each other and get information.
We could have key-note speakers from scoliosis researchers, surgeons, doctors, Elise Browning Miller (yoga for scoliosis teacher) and also workshops to learn exercises, etc.
The money for registration fees would go toward research for scoliosis. We could all feel like we were contributing to the ongoing improvements in scoliosis surgery, non-surgical treatment etc.
There could be sessions specifically dealing with teenage patients (and their parents), adult patients, surgical revision patients, etc. . .

Ok, so maybe I'm crazy, but I thought I would throw out these ideas to my fellow bloggers. I'm not saying that I have the time to organize a national conference, and I certainly don't know where grants/funding would come from. Just a thought (a very ambitious one) . . . what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm down for that. I don't know about the organization end of things but, give me a date and I'll show up.

Anonymous said...

I am there! I would really love to see more scoliosis functions in general to raise money. I would love to do a walkathon in NY but I can't ever find any. :)


Sam and Iso said...

ghey followed the link from the forum, thank you for you response.
I think i would fly over to the US for something like that (well it would be a good excuse to go back and visit my american friends too)

Anonymous said...

I agree. It would be helpful to develop some kind of conference that fosters scoliosis support; a place to meet others with the same condition to share stories, experiences, and their pain.