Saturday, July 21, 2007

Looks like someone needs to go back to Med school

I tried coming off of vicodin too soon and got the classic withdrawl symptoms. So, I called the "oh so helpful" nurses at the spine clinic, only to be told that I had the flu. Well gee - why didn't I think of that? I have all the classic symptoms, I don't have a fever, and within an hour after taking a vicodin, I was all better. Honestly, you would think the nurses would be just a little bit smarter than that. Luckily, I have one smart sister-in-law who is going into her medical residency and she laughed at the nurses and told me how to slowly wean myself off the vicodin to limit the withdrawl symptoms. I'm also going to contact my PCP because she would be a better advocate for me than the idiot nurses who call themselves professionals (the flu? honest to God . . .)

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