Sunday, February 04, 2007

You know it is cold when . . .

you have to scrape ice off of the INSIDE of your car windows

your temperature almost matches International Falls, Minnesota

tomorrow's high is negative 5 and that is warmer than it is now

you can't wait until the temperature reaches single digits ABOVE zero

your husband wants to run outside without a jacket and hat on just to see what it feels like

your eyelashes develop icicles after 4 minutes of being outside (information care of my husband's experience outside - and yes, I witnessed the icicles)

even the hardcore ice fishermen don't go out on the lake for the weekend

when you've lost count of the number of layers you have on and can barely move in your clothes

when dog owners decide it is better to let their dogs "do their business in the house on newspaper" rather than take them outside

when the sun doesn't melt anything, even an ice cube

oh, but students in Madison don't actually get a "cold day" (yes, like a snow day) unless it reaches negative 50 with wind chill and we have about 25 more degrees to that goal! :)

Now, this is a real winter . . . makes you hearty and strong! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, that's COLD!