Sunday, February 11, 2007

beyond sad

Trudy, a woman in her thirties who has three children, died from complications during scoliosis surgery. I've never met her, but know her through the scoliosis forum, and I am beyond saddened and completely shocked by this news. Her poor family! It is so weird to have been talking to her over the forum a couple of days ago and to think she is no longer here. It makes me cry to re-read all of the positive encouragement given to her in the last week and her trust that everything was going to turn out ok, and her plans for post-op. She wanted to take a mini vacation to the beach when she was getting better. I can't even begin to comprehend this. One of our brave scoliosis women has died. Why? why? I don't get it.

God bless you and rest in peace.


lynne said...

what a horrible thing to happen...I feel horrible...I woke up thinking of her and her family early this morning. I can't comprehend it all.....Ly

abhbarry said...

I know - I slept horribly last night and woke up still thinking about her. I just don't understand. . . and quite frankly, I'm scared of surgery and I have to make my decision in 2 weeks. It just should not have happened. I can't even imagine what her family is going through.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I had no idea. YOu always know it can happen, but you never think it actually does. This is awful.