Thursday, January 25, 2007

What is wrong with people?

Well, there is a lot wrong with many people, but I have to say, that I was not pleased with Tina Fay's comments on The View this morning. Ok, #1 - so my husband has a crush on her, so I've never really liked her (hee hee). #2 - When discussing politics, she stated that instead of having a woman, a black man, and a hispanic man run for office, why can't the Democrats just nominate an old white man so they can win? UHT - I'm sorry, but I think it is pretty darn clear many of us are sick and tired of listening to old white men in politics, and second of all, why are we still at the point where we have to go on and on about gender and race? Why shouldn't we have a woman for president? A black man for president? A hispanic man for president? What difference does it really make? If it turns out that the best potential president will be an old white guy, then so be it, but DO NOT say that Democrats can't win because their candidates do not fit in the club of old white men!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, if only the world was perfect.