Monday, January 29, 2007

Isn't it amazing?

Today (January 29th) is one of those days where I'm constantly reminded of the mysteries of how the world works. 8 years ago, my friend Dave died tragically in an avalanche, and I remember that day vividly. However, 8 years ago today, one of my dearest friend's daughter was born. I have known my friend since we were both 1 year old, and we grew up together everyday - we still call each other "sis." Well, she has a beautiful daughter, who I've had the pleasure of watching grow up (only visiting once in a while though because she is in Oregon). Anyway, I love them like family, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for this precious 8 year old (going on 13 - watch out!!!!). Today, I asked her if she "felt different now that she's 8." (Ok, really I just like to hear the funny things she says :) She said, "Yes, I feel bigger." I laughed. Then I thought, well, you know, I will probably feel bigger on my next birthday too - in fact, I may grow about an inch (with the help of metal rods in the spine). Ha ha ha - that's a real reason to feel bigger. (I didn't think it was appropriate to share that information with her).

Anyway, Happy Birthday my dear. One beloved life was lost, and one was gained - she will always be extremely important in my life, but is even more precious because of the significance of the day of her birth. I wish her the fullest, most beautiful life - one that Dave would also have wanted for her.

1 comment:

lynne said...

Lovely story! One of the mysteries of life....
you may ponder things like this much more after do grab onto more spiritualism..& will have more time to ponder....things in general as you recover....
so much good luck in your upcoming surgery....I await the start of your will ski again!!!! Lynne