Monday, June 04, 2007

It is time

Tomorrow I will be going into surgery. Finally - after a 15 year battle and resistance to surgery, I have surrendered my fears to God and the ability of my surgical team and am ready to go in. I'm feeling a little nervous today, but am going out with a bunch of friends tonight for dinner. I've spent the last two days showing my mother around the city since she has never been here, so we have had a good time.

Thank you to all who have supported me, cared about me, and loved me. I will be back soon, but my husband will write on my blog and on the scolio forum. Prayers and good thoughts are highly appreciated.

Here I go!


Anonymous said...

It's so strange how we spend years fearing this very thing. But, eventually we just surrender to it. Honestly, the morning of for me, was strangely calm and peaceful. Because I surrendered and knew there was no turning back. I'd come too far. I don't have to tell you that I'll be thinking of you and your family. You have been in my prayers for a long time now and I intend to keep you there as long as you need them. You know how to reach me if you need anything.



lynne said...

ditto, ditto again....Love, Lynne