Friday, September 28, 2007

My New Dog!!!!!

I'm almost 4 months post-op and I can honestly say that I'm getting so much better. I still hurt - but I had a GIANT surgery. However, after teaching for 4 hours, I hurt a lot less than I would have done before surgery. :) AND . . . we adopted a new dog, Lewis. He is such a cutie and adds so much joy to our lives. I'm able to get up and down off the floor to play with him. It is kind of difficult, but I'm not doing damage to myself. Isn't he cute?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

just more thoughts on surgery

So, I'm just over 15 weeks post-op (it is like I'm counting weeks of pregnancy, but that is sooooooo NOT the case). Anyway, I've been off of the extended release morphine for a few days now and am experiencing much more pain in my upper back, but am trying to breathe through that. I don't really think Tylonel does much for me and my surgeon doesn't want me on advil yet. The pain is not unbearable most of the time, but I do notice a difference. I'm also absolutely exhausted. Sometimes it is necessary for work to get pushed aside for a good hour nap, but that is not easy to do in a PhD program.

My students are still being very nice (at least to my face). They pick things up automatically that I drop and I appreciate that they are willing to help me. The weeks do seem much longer now because my energy level is low and my days seem longer while recovering and trying to work. I'm honestly happy to be back though.

My husband and I are thinking about adopting a dog! :) This is something we've wanted to do for a long time. If we do, I will, of course, post pictures.

Back to grading bunches of quizzes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

3 months post-op update

I am just over 3 months post-op and saw my surgeon yesterday for my second check-up. All went well and I am about where I should be. We are still watching the nerve damage in my leg and he didn't have anything enlightening to say about my tailbone pain. I learned that the hard thing poking the skin in my back is not a vertebrae, but actually a screw! Wow - they are bigger than I thought.

I survived my first week of being back at the university and taught for 4 hours today and then had a seminar for 2. I was away from 8am until 6pm which is the longest I've been away from my home and my nice comfy bed since before surgery. I did it though!!!!!! I'm absolutely exhausted now, but I knew that if I could make it through Tuesdays, I can survive for the semester. My students were very respectful about my surgery and fairly curious. I appreciated that and hope that they will continue that way. I've actually received more support at the university than I had anticipated, which is great.

I don't normally say this, but I'm proud of myself. I made it through 3 really difficult months and got back in the classroom with almost the same amount of energy I used to have. One of my students asked, "How do you live and do things?" I smiled, but then thought, if they asked me this question 2 months ago, I would have given a much different answer. Now I can say that I have adjusted to my new life and am doing just fine.